Approval of Minutes: a. Type A minutes from the September 4, 2012 b. Type B minutes from the September 4, 2012
4. Consideration of Contracts & Agreements a. Resolution 4A03042013BMC to authorize an economic development performance agreement with Burleson Marketing Centers. (Type A) b. Resolution 4B03042013BMC to authorize an economic development performance agreement with Burleson Marketing Centers. (Type B) 5. Adjourn Type B Meeting
6. Adoption of Project by Type A Corporation Resolution 4A03042013STONE designating Stone Road as a Type A Project. 7. Adjourn Type A Meeting
Approval of Minutes: a. Type A minutes from the September 4, 2012 b. Type B minutes from the September 4, 2012
4. Consideration of Contracts & Agreements a. Resolution 4A03042013BMC to authorize an economic development performance agreement with Burleson Marketing Centers. (Type A) b. Resolution 4B03042013BMC to authorize an economic development performance agreement with Burleson Marketing Centers. (Type B) 5. Adjourn Type B Meeting
6. Adoption of Project by Type A Corporation Resolution 4A03042013STONE designating Stone Road as a Type A Project. 7. Adjourn Type A Meeting