Budget A. Minute Order MO-12-172, vote to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the 2012-2013 FY Budget. (Rhett Clark) B. Minute Order MO-12-173, adopting the fiscal year 2012-2013 City of Burleson Fee Schedule. (Rhett Clark)
Award a contract for Target Industry Study (RFP 2013-002) to Burns Development Group. (Bradley Ford)
Valet Parking Agreement with Advantage Valet for a trial period in Old Town Burleson and modification of Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement with Grumps Hamburgers. (Bradley Ford)
Minute Order MO-12-174, approval of the 2012 City of Burleson Board/ Commission appointments. (Amanda McCrory)
Appointment of Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (TMLIEBP) as the City’s Third Party Administrator and Account Manager for the Employee Benefits Plan. (Maria Reed)
C. Consideration of a commercial site plan for 7-Eleven located at 980 NW John Jones Drive (Case 12-052) (Kevin Lasher) D. Consideration of a Minor Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, for the 7-Eleven / Alsbury Addition located at 980 NW John Jones Drive (Case 12-049) (Laura Melton)
City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. (The City Council has established committees of the Council that meet from time-to-time to consider recommendations to forward to the full body of the City Council regarding business of the City. The committees are as follows: Appointments & Council Policies Committee; Community & Intergovernmental Relations Committee; Community Services Committee; Finance & Internal Services Committee; Governance & Stewardship Committee; Infrastructure & Development Committee; Public Safety & Court Committee. Meetings of Council Committees are public meetings posted as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.)
Executive Session Reconvene into open session for possible action resulting from any items posted and legally discussed in Executive Session. Adjournment
Budget A. Minute Order MO-12-172, vote to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the 2012-2013 FY Budget. (Rhett Clark) B. Minute Order MO-12-173, adopting the fiscal year 2012-2013 City of Burleson Fee Schedule. (Rhett Clark)
Award a contract for Target Industry Study (RFP 2013-002) to Burns Development Group. (Bradley Ford)
Valet Parking Agreement with Advantage Valet for a trial period in Old Town Burleson and modification of Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement with Grumps Hamburgers. (Bradley Ford)
Minute Order MO-12-174, approval of the 2012 City of Burleson Board/ Commission appointments. (Amanda McCrory)
Appointment of Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (TMLIEBP) as the City’s Third Party Administrator and Account Manager for the Employee Benefits Plan. (Maria Reed)
C. Consideration of a commercial site plan for 7-Eleven located at 980 NW John Jones Drive (Case 12-052) (Kevin Lasher) D. Consideration of a Minor Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, for the 7-Eleven / Alsbury Addition located at 980 NW John Jones Drive (Case 12-049) (Laura Melton)
City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. (The City Council has established committees of the Council that meet from time-to-time to consider recommendations to forward to the full body of the City Council regarding business of the City. The committees are as follows: Appointments & Council Policies Committee; Community & Intergovernmental Relations Committee; Community Services Committee; Finance & Internal Services Committee; Governance & Stewardship Committee; Infrastructure & Development Committee; Public Safety & Court Committee. Meetings of Council Committees are public meetings posted as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.)
Executive Session Reconvene into open session for possible action resulting from any items posted and legally discussed in Executive Session. Adjournment