Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Ordinance C-713-12, authorizing the issuance of City of Burleson, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012; and ordaining other matters related there to (Final Reading); and Ordinance C-714-12, authorizing the issuance of City of Burleson, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012; and ordaining other matters related there to. (Final Reading) (Rhett Clark)
A. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-709-12, changing the name of County Road 711 to Highpoint Parkway from the IH35 frontage road to 170’ east of the city limit line. (First Reading) (Laura Melton) B. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-710-12, changing the name of Street "A" to Ascension Boulevard.(FirstReading) (Laura Melton) C. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-711-12, changing the name of Street "B" to Cirrus Drive. (First Reading) (Laura Melton)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance C-712-12, a request for a zoning change from the Agricultural (A) zoning district to the Industrial (I) zoning district for the property located at 4200 S IH35W. (Case 12-032) (First Reading) (Bradley Ford/Brian Guenzel)
Actions Concerning Qualified Investment Brokers and Participation in the Local Government Investment Cooperative (LOGIC) (Rhett Clark)
Consideration of Ordinance A-317-12, annexation of approximately 30 acres of land located at 405 W County Road 714 in the D Clark Survey Abstract 138, Tract 28A in Johnson County. (Case 12-025) (First Reading) (Bradley Ford/Brian Guenzel)
5. Contracts & Agreements and Other Related Items A. No items for consideration. 6. Other Items for Consideration A. Minute Order MO-11-141 (B0412), accepting updates and revisions to the Fee Schedule for the City of Burleson. (Laura Melton)
A. Continuation of Discussion Agenda Items from Work Session. B. City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. (The City Council has established committees of the Council that meet from time-to-time to consider recommendations to forward to the full body of the City Council regarding business of the City. The committees are as follows: Appointments & Council Policies Committee; Community & Intergovernmental Relations Committee; Community Services Committee; Finance & Internal Services Committee; Governance & Stewardship Committee; Infrastructure & Development Committee; Public Safety & Court Committee. Meetings of Council Committees are public meetings posted as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.)
Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council. (The Texas Open Meetings Act effective September 1, 2009, provides that “a quorum of the city council may receive from municipal staff, and a member of the governing body may make, a report regarding items of community interest during a council meeting without having given notice of the subject of the report, provided no action is taken or discussed.” The Open Meetings Act does not allow Council to discuss an item concerning pending City Council business unless it is specifically, appropriately posted on the agenda.) An “item of community interest” includes the following: * expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; * information regarding holiday schedules; * honorary recognitions of city officials, employees, or other citizens; * reminders about upcoming events sponsored by the cityor other entity that is scheduled to be attended by a city official or city employee; and * announcements involving imminent public health and safety threats to the city. Adjournment
Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Ordinance C-713-12, authorizing the issuance of City of Burleson, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012; and ordaining other matters related there to (Final Reading); and Ordinance C-714-12, authorizing the issuance of City of Burleson, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012; and ordaining other matters related there to. (Final Reading) (Rhett Clark)
A. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-709-12, changing the name of County Road 711 to Highpoint Parkway from the IH35 frontage road to 170’ east of the city limit line. (First Reading) (Laura Melton) B. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-710-12, changing the name of Street "A" to Ascension Boulevard.(FirstReading) (Laura Melton) C. Public Hearing and consideration of Ordinance C-711-12, changing the name of Street "B" to Cirrus Drive. (First Reading) (Laura Melton)
Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance C-712-12, a request for a zoning change from the Agricultural (A) zoning district to the Industrial (I) zoning district for the property located at 4200 S IH35W. (Case 12-032) (First Reading) (Bradley Ford/Brian Guenzel)
Actions Concerning Qualified Investment Brokers and Participation in the Local Government Investment Cooperative (LOGIC) (Rhett Clark)
Consideration of Ordinance A-317-12, annexation of approximately 30 acres of land located at 405 W County Road 714 in the D Clark Survey Abstract 138, Tract 28A in Johnson County. (Case 12-025) (First Reading) (Bradley Ford/Brian Guenzel)
5. Contracts & Agreements and Other Related Items A. No items for consideration. 6. Other Items for Consideration A. Minute Order MO-11-141 (B0412), accepting updates and revisions to the Fee Schedule for the City of Burleson. (Laura Melton)
A. Continuation of Discussion Agenda Items from Work Session. B. City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. (The City Council has established committees of the Council that meet from time-to-time to consider recommendations to forward to the full body of the City Council regarding business of the City. The committees are as follows: Appointments & Council Policies Committee; Community & Intergovernmental Relations Committee; Community Services Committee; Finance & Internal Services Committee; Governance & Stewardship Committee; Infrastructure & Development Committee; Public Safety & Court Committee. Meetings of Council Committees are public meetings posted as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.)
Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council. (The Texas Open Meetings Act effective September 1, 2009, provides that “a quorum of the city council may receive from municipal staff, and a member of the governing body may make, a report regarding items of community interest during a council meeting without having given notice of the subject of the report, provided no action is taken or discussed.” The Open Meetings Act does not allow Council to discuss an item concerning pending City Council business unless it is specifically, appropriately posted on the agenda.) An “item of community interest” includes the following: * expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; * information regarding holiday schedules; * honorary recognitions of city officials, employees, or other citizens; * reminders about upcoming events sponsored by the cityor other entity that is scheduled to be attended by a city official or city employee; and * announcements involving imminent public health and safety threats to the city. Adjournment