Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
General 1. A. Minutes from the August 02, 2010 regular Council session. B. Financial Transactions. Ordinances & Resolution C. Resolution R-1178-10, endorsing the education campaign to inform Texans of transportation needs and urging the 82nd Texas Legislature to enact revenue measures to fund transportation investment. Other Items for Consideration D. No items for consideration.
Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Public Hearing and Ordinance C-667-10, request for a zoning change from Single Family Dwelling District 7 (SF7) to Neighborhood Services (NS) zoning district for Lot A, Block 2, Pleasant Manor Estates located at 506 Pleasant Manor Drive. (Case 10-050) (First Reading)
Public Hearing and consideration of a request by Chesapeake Operating, Inc., for a gas well drilling permit with a variance for one (1) gas well, known as the King B 4H, on an existing pad site located at 358 NW Hillery Street and a blanket variance for future wells at this site. (Case No. 10-055)
Ordinance C-666 -10, request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a tattoo studio located at 333 NW Hillery Street. (Case 10-049) (Final Reading)
Ordinance B-582 (I0810), amending the Burleson Code of Ordinances, Chapter 63, Sign Regulations. (Case 10-059) (Final Reading)
Ordinance B-794-10, amending Chapter 54 “Miscellaneous Offenses” and by the Addition of Article VI “Restricted Smoking Materials” of the Code of Ordinance, City of Burleson, Texas 2010. (First Reading)
Ordinance B-795-10, amending Chapter 14 “Businesses” by the Addition of Article X “Apartments” of the Code of Ordinance, City of Burleson, Texas 2010. (First Reading)
Report and discussion of Off Peak Hours at the BRiCk.
Discussion of matters pertaining to Proposed FY 2010-11 Annual Budget.
City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council.
Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
General 1. A. Minutes from the August 02, 2010 regular Council session. B. Financial Transactions. Ordinances & Resolution C. Resolution R-1178-10, endorsing the education campaign to inform Texans of transportation needs and urging the 82nd Texas Legislature to enact revenue measures to fund transportation investment. Other Items for Consideration D. No items for consideration.
Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Public Hearing and Ordinance C-667-10, request for a zoning change from Single Family Dwelling District 7 (SF7) to Neighborhood Services (NS) zoning district for Lot A, Block 2, Pleasant Manor Estates located at 506 Pleasant Manor Drive. (Case 10-050) (First Reading)
Public Hearing and consideration of a request by Chesapeake Operating, Inc., for a gas well drilling permit with a variance for one (1) gas well, known as the King B 4H, on an existing pad site located at 358 NW Hillery Street and a blanket variance for future wells at this site. (Case No. 10-055)
Ordinance C-666 -10, request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a tattoo studio located at 333 NW Hillery Street. (Case 10-049) (Final Reading)
Ordinance B-582 (I0810), amending the Burleson Code of Ordinances, Chapter 63, Sign Regulations. (Case 10-059) (Final Reading)
Ordinance B-794-10, amending Chapter 54 “Miscellaneous Offenses” and by the Addition of Article VI “Restricted Smoking Materials” of the Code of Ordinance, City of Burleson, Texas 2010. (First Reading)
Ordinance B-795-10, amending Chapter 14 “Businesses” by the Addition of Article X “Apartments” of the Code of Ordinance, City of Burleson, Texas 2010. (First Reading)
Report and discussion of Off Peak Hours at the BRiCk.
Discussion of matters pertaining to Proposed FY 2010-11 Annual Budget.
City Council Committees. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the Council so that the Staff and Council Committee Members may make a report to the full body of the City Council. Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council.