Consent Agenda All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence. Approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations.
Ordinance C-681-11, consideration of a request for a zoning change from Single-Family Dwelling District 7 (SF7) into Single- Family Dwelling District 10 (SF10) (Case 11-004); and Ordinance C-682-11, consideration of a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a religious institution on Lot 1, Block 1, St. Ann Catholic Church Addition located at 100 SW Alsbury Boulevard. (Case 10-116) (Final reading)
Professional Services Agreement with Paymentus Company for the processing of utility bill payments made by customers with credit card via telephone only.
Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Resolution R-1191-11, supporting the passage of HB 1941 and SB 1017 filed March 1 to extend limited Comprehensive Development Agreement (CDA) authority for the North Tarrant Express.
Resolution R-1192-11, supporting HB 3092 also known as the Texas Local Option Transportation Act authorizing counties to hold an election to seek approval of mobility or transportation projects and methods of funding those projects.
Resolution R-1102-07(B0311), nominating a candidate for the Board of Directors for Central Appraisal District of Johnson County, Texas.
Commercial Site Plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Lakewood Plaza located at 2650 SW Wilshire Boulevard. (Case 10-113)
Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council. (The Texas Open Meetings Act effective September 1, 2009, provides that “a quorum of the city council may receive from municipal staff, and a member of the governing body may make, a report regarding items of community interest during a council meeting without having given notice of the subject of the report, provided no action is taken or discussed.”The Open Meetings Act does not allow Council to discuss an item concerning pending City Council business unless it is specifically, appropriately posted on the agenda.) An “item of community interest” includes the following: ! expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; ! information regarding holiday schedules; ! honorary recognitions of city officials, employees, or other citizens; ! reminders about upcoming events sponsored by the city or other entity that is scheduled to be attended by a city official or city employee; and, ! announcements involving imminent public health and safety threats to the city.
Consent Agenda All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence. Approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations.
Ordinance C-681-11, consideration of a request for a zoning change from Single-Family Dwelling District 7 (SF7) into Single- Family Dwelling District 10 (SF10) (Case 11-004); and Ordinance C-682-11, consideration of a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a religious institution on Lot 1, Block 1, St. Ann Catholic Church Addition located at 100 SW Alsbury Boulevard. (Case 10-116) (Final reading)
Professional Services Agreement with Paymentus Company for the processing of utility bill payments made by customers with credit card via telephone only.
Citizen Appearances. (Citizens who have signed a card to speak to the City Council will be heard at this time. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, unless the subject matter of the presentation is on the agenda, the city staff and City Council members are prevented from discussion of the subject and may respond only with statements of factual information or existing city policy. Public comment will not be taken on items that the Council has previously considered in a public hearing.)
Resolution R-1191-11, supporting the passage of HB 1941 and SB 1017 filed March 1 to extend limited Comprehensive Development Agreement (CDA) authority for the North Tarrant Express.
Resolution R-1192-11, supporting HB 3092 also known as the Texas Local Option Transportation Act authorizing counties to hold an election to seek approval of mobility or transportation projects and methods of funding those projects.
Resolution R-1102-07(B0311), nominating a candidate for the Board of Directors for Central Appraisal District of Johnson County, Texas.
Commercial Site Plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Lakewood Plaza located at 2650 SW Wilshire Boulevard. (Case 10-113)
Community Interest Items. This is a standing item on the agenda of every regular meeting of the City Council. (The Texas Open Meetings Act effective September 1, 2009, provides that “a quorum of the city council may receive from municipal staff, and a member of the governing body may make, a report regarding items of community interest during a council meeting without having given notice of the subject of the report, provided no action is taken or discussed.”The Open Meetings Act does not allow Council to discuss an item concerning pending City Council business unless it is specifically, appropriately posted on the agenda.) An “item of community interest” includes the following: ! expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; ! information regarding holiday schedules; ! honorary recognitions of city officials, employees, or other citizens; ! reminders about upcoming events sponsored by the city or other entity that is scheduled to be attended by a city official or city employee; and, ! announcements involving imminent public health and safety threats to the city.